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Vh Dissector Anatomy Activation Key: Troubleshooting and Customer Support

200+ dissection videos alongside a three-volume anatomy book with detailed diagrams and images.Volume 1: Upper Limb and ThoraxVolume 2: Abdomen & Lower LimbVolume 3: Head, Neck and Brain

Vh Dissector Anatomy Activation Key

From the founding of the American School of Osteopathy in 1892 to modern-day ATSU-KCOM, cadaveric dissection has been included in the freshman curriculum. As with most medical schools, prior completion of an anatomy course is not required to matriculate. A recent study conducted at ATSU-KCOM found that premedical anatomy experience had no impact on medical anatomy grades, unless three or more anatomy courses, including at least one with human cadaveric laboratory, were taken.8 This finding suggests that multiple repetitions of anatomy exposure with human cadaveric dissection may help students master medical gross anatomy material. Few undergraduate institutions offer cadaver-based anatomy courses, though, so having a human cadaver dissection anatomy course as a prerequisite does not seem feasible. Further, such repetition may be best delivered through numerous modalities within the medical school curriculum.

During the first two years, ATSU-KCOM utilizes a partially integrated, systems-based curriculum. The first semester is foundational, and although the content is partially aligned, the courses run independently to deliver their fundamental material. The remaining three semesters are systems-based with integrated courses. The medical gross anatomy course is taught during the first two semesters and is designed to provide students with a detailed understanding of human anatomy along with essential embryology, radiology, and clinical correlations. The course is divided into the following sections: back, upper extremity, lower extremity, head and neck, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. The thorax, abdomen, and pelvis sections are taught in the second semester and integrated into the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and renal blocks. Approximately 90 hours are spent in traditional lectures, 100 hours in cadaver dissection laboratory, 18 hours in ultrasonography laboratory (as part of a separate course), and 20 hours in case-based learning and small group discussions. In roughly half of the dissection laboratories and when all students are present for dissection, the student-to-cadaver ratio is 6:1. In the remaining 20 of 39 laboratories, the majority of the dissection is performed by a team of three students, while the other team initially attends a case discussion or an ultrasonography laboratory. After returning from the non-dissecting activities, these students join the dissecting team to finish the dissection and participate in the assessment. During these split laboratories, the faculty-to-student ratio is 1:10; this ratio is 1:20 during the whole-class laboratories. A study involving two class years of ATSU-KCOM students found no significant difference (P=.34) in student performance on lab practical identification examinations between the dissecting and non-dissecting groups.9 However, students who did not dissect pelvic and abdominal neurovasculature did not perform as well on those identification questions. Despite this result, evidence suggests the split laboratory model is beneficial because it provides curricular time for the delivery of much of the ultrasonography content and some clinical correlations.

In 2011, ATSU-KCOM introduced ultrasonography imaging into the gross anatomy course during the first year of medical school. A clinical ultrasonography elective course was offered to second-year students to provide them with a review of anatomy and to prepare them for clinical rotations. A recent study found that second-year students who participated in the elective course had better retention of important anatomical concepts.10

Survey of osteopathic medical students on the importance of cadaveric dissection for medical school selection and the benefits of various components of the medical anatomy course to their mastery of anatomy and radiology concepts.

The anatomy course grades used in the current study came from the laboratory (45% weighted) and lecture (55% weighted) scores to produce a cumulative course grade for the first semester. The laboratory score was determined from points earned from pre-laboratory quizzes, in-laboratory identification quizzes, dissection quality points, and laboratory practical examinations. The lecture score was determined from total points earned on six multiple-choice, written examinations and one cumulative final examination.

Of the six survey questions asking about the benefits of various components of the medical gross anatomy course in relation to mastering anatomical or radiological concepts, the following three areas had the largest percentage of responses in the beneficial to very beneficial categories: cadaver dissection (n=150, 89.8%), multimedia dissector (n=152, 91.0%), and ultrasonography (n=151, 90.4%) (Figure 2). The median responses for these three questions were significantly higher than the moderately beneficial response (all P

Even though curricular hours dedicated to anatomy education have decreased at medical schools over the last 15 years, a study by Drake and McBride2 found that surveyed medical schools retained a cadaveric laboratory in some form. Recent studies showed that an anatomy cadaver dissection course is the most important tool for teaching macroscopic anatomy7, 19 and offers a significant advantage over multimedia simulation.20 Results from the current study also suggested availability of a cadaver dissection laboratory as part of undergraduate medical curriculum significantly influenced medical school selection of students, which seems to indicate the value of cadaveric dissection laboratory is recognized by prospective students. Similarly, first-year osteopathic medical students of the current study considered cadaveric dissection an important experience that helped them master anatomical concepts. This result supports data from other studies that looked at the role of cadaveric dissection in a medical surrciulum.21 The other two areas that students of the current study considered highly important for their anatomy education were the multimedia dissector and ultrasonography laboratory. These results support the existing literature about the efficacy of integrated anatomy courses that utilize multimodal approaches in delivering anatomical information.4, 6

The introduction of split laboratories at ATSU-KCOM allowed for the inclusion of ultrasound laboratories and clinical cases in the anatomy curriculum. Although students enjoyed using ultrasonography to strengthen their knowledge of anatomy, their responses to having split laboratories were less positive, which suggested that they value their time at the dissection table but are a little short-sighted when it comes to the evaluation of the whole curriculum. Other studies showed similar results when evaluating student perception of reciprocal peer teaching; students felt that they had less hands-on experience because they only dissected half the time in a split laboratory.22 Another area assessed in the current study that did not get positive responses was the VH Dissector. The VH Dissector provides an important link between the cadaveric laboratory and imaging, but it was not regarded by students as being important. We believe this result can be attributed to first-year medical students not yet having found a relevant use for this instrument. Future research should evaluate the student perception of this component of anatomical education in students who have been exposed to clinical medicine and view anatomy mainly through the prism of radiology. Although anecdotal, former students have noted that using the VH Dissector helped them interpret radiological images during their clinical rotations in the third and fourth years.

Learning the structures in a single, static cross section can only get you so far. Take a look at the following videos and quizzes in order to learn more about the cross sectional anatomy of the forearm.

As usual, analyzing cross sections begins by orienting yourself. The anterior side (top of image) is marked by the strong and highly developed quadriceps muscles, which appear as four evident thick bands, especially in athletes. The medial and lateral sides follow their standard locations in transverse anatomy.

Generally speaking, it is very easy to recognize a cross section through the leg, mostly due to the tibia. This bone is located directly beneath the skin on the anterior aspect of the leg (top of the image). This is the same reason why the slightest touch hurts so much. Following logically from anatomy, the fibula is located laterally to the tibia, hence it pinpoints the lateral aspect of the cross section.

How can you get your bearings in the above illustration? Just the same as in all the previous cases. The rectum, represented by a cavity, is located posteriorly (bottom of the image). Alternatively, you can search for the coccyx, which also points posteriorly. In case these structures are not clearly visible, you can use the proximal ends of the femurs as reference. If you are a real anatomy whizz, you know that the neck of the femur points slightly anteriorly when forming the articulation of the hip joint. This is another trick that you can use to distinguish anterior from posterior.

You can use very similar landmarks to orientate this cross section, exactly like in the male version. Quite evidently, the bony and muscular anatomy have not changed much in this image, since men and women have the exact same bones and muscles. The sigmoid colon is visible posteriorly simply because the cross section was taken at a higher level, superior to the rectum. Medial to the iliopsoas muscle one can see the external iliac artery and vein. In addition, the internal iliac vessels are located medially to the pelvic bones. As usual, the veins and arteries can be easily differentiated by the caliber of their lumens. 2ff7e9595c

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