So a couple of weeks ago, I mused about a cipher construction in which decryption is identical to encryption using the inverse key schedule. Well, the other day I realized you could make the key schedule so it is its own inverse*. The advantage to the construction is minimized code size, the disadvantage is that it significantly simplifies the key schedule. It will most likely weaken the cipher, although it does not necessarily mean the cipher itself is insecure.
Unfortunately, probably there will be very poor inspection of the code. The reality is people who do this sort of thing professionally do it for the pay check. They do not usually want to go home at night and do it also on their free time.
3d Real Kamasutra: Weekend Activation Code Hitl
Late nineties, I did a lot of Perl scripting, especially in the context of website CGI-scripts. However powerful, Perl tends to be a bit of a maintenance nightmare if not properly documented as it allows you to write really concise code that may not always be very legible for newbies taking over a project. 2ff7e9595c